• Red Alert 2 紅色警戒2
  • 軟體版本 : 1.004 英文升級版本
  • 軟體分類 : 13電腦遊戲 (戰略遊戲)
  • 語言介面 : 英文
  • 作業系統 : Windows(10以下)
  • 軟體性質 : 免費軟體
  • 使用限制 : 請見說明
  • 檔案大小 : 2.30 MB
  • 點閱次數 : 26,024下載次數 : 3,986
  • 更新時間 : 2001/2/17 上午 01:19:31


你有在玩Red Alert 2 (紅色警戒2)嗎?這是Red Alert 2 (紅色警戒2)的英文版升級更新程式。

From seven


Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2™ LATE BREAKING NEWS FROM THE FRONT Copyright 2000 Electronic Arts Inc. All rights reserved. Westwood Studios is an Electronic Arts brand. Patch 1.004 January 25, 2001 For latest news and updates visit WWW.WESTWOOD.COM --------------------------------------------TOP SECRET--------------------------------------------- Commander: Thanks for your continued participation in the war effort. We have been able to make some modifications to your tactical display that should improve your experiences on the battlefield. Good Luck. --President Michael Dugan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL CHANGES OR FEATURE ADDITIONS 1. RA2 now allows you to play "Free for All" in Skirmish mode. Now the AI can attack each other and not just the player. 2. Hotkeys and Interface changes added: · Right clicking on the mouse centers on the Radar Screen instead of deselecting the player's units. · Press the "Spacebar" to cycle through last 8 EVA events. "Space Bar" now also goes to "Ally under Attack" EVA event. · Players can now place Rally Points on Service Depots. · The "Q" & "W" keys that select Tab Buttons now grab a completed building for the cursor. Pressing again places that building. · Press "Ctrl" + "Arrow" keys to jump to the edges of the map. · Page User is bound to "U". · Health Navigation, Veterancy Navigation, and Previous Unit hotkeys are now unbound. They can be rebound in the Keyboard Configuration menu. 3. Observer Mode: RA2 now has an Observer Mode that allows 1 player to watch other player's games. Particularly useful for Korean television shows and tournaments. · There is a new checkbox at the top of the bunkers that players can check to observe games. Clicking it will switch the "Join" button to "Observe" and vice versa. · In the game setup screen, the host can select the bottom slot to be open for observers (assuming he isn't the observer himself). Players attempting to observe go into this slot. · The observer can only chat to all players. · The observer cannot use Beacons or Waypoint Mode. · The observer is not shown on the score screen. · The observer is not allowed in Co-Op mode. 4. Dreadnaughts can now break bridges with missiles. 5. Now players can destroy a unit flying over an Iron Curtained building. 6. If the player has a Cloning Vat, an Engineer, 2 infantry units, and a Tech Hospital he will no longer get a complimentary unit out of his Cloning Vat for every unit healed. 7. The edges of the Radar Screen are now visible. 8. We've enabled the Microsoft Sidewinder Strategic Commander(TM) to work properly. We've also included the Westwood endorsed configuration. 9. The Desolator will no longer continue to shoot the ground over and over and keep building up radiation. 10. Parts of buildings will no longer disappear on occasion. 11. Structures no longer flash a frame of animation during placement. 12. Fixed the "Place Structure Anywhere" cheat. 13. Super Weapon tab flashes when ready. 14. Crazy Ivan and Tanya bombs now work on all bridges. 15. Fixed a Terror Drone + Unpacking MCV problem that made games never end. WESTWOOD ONLINE CHANGES OR FEATURE ADDITIONS 1. Quick Match now gives ping and rank of opponent when matching. 2. Zero starting units are allowed. 3. Fixed up the taunts to make sure they play correctly. 4. Paging additions: · Players can page a buddy from inside a game room, bunkers or game. (/page user name message) Example: /page Yuri Hi. · Players can reply to last message. (/r message) Example: /r Hi there. · Players can check to see if another player is online. (/on user name) Example: /on Tanya · If player is paged and he presses "U" to reply to that sender, the paging screen will default to that sender's name if U is pressed within 5 seconds. 5. A ping meter is included inside game lobby as a tooltip. There are also graphic indicators (green, red, yellow) next to player names. The ping indicated in the tooltip is between that player and the game host. 6. Lobby Chat only scrolls if player is on bottom chat line. 7. Included an icon table that displays most icons and what they mean in Westwood Online. 8. Fixed "Fetching Server" message pop up problem. Now it happens less. 9. Fixed the loss of keystrokes when typing chat in bunker. 10. Lobby now defaults to the bunker the player left when returning from Buddy List, etc. 11. Click on an existing game to show the name of map in bunker as tooltip. No need to enter a game to find out which map is being played. 12. Chat messages during games no longer display in a choppy and slow manner. Messages written at the end of games will now display properly also. 13. Players are now routed to bunkers with less than 25 people when entering Custom Match. 14. A tooltip has been added that shows a player's rank, battleclan and battleclan rank when you mouse-over a player's name. It may take a bit for the server to return the player's rank. UNIT BALANCE CHANGES 1. Unit Balance: IFV + Chrono Legionaire now destroys things more slowly. 2. Unit Balance: Tesla Tank will shoot a little slower. 3. Unit Balance: Demo Truck speed reduced. 4. Unit Balance: Demo Truck damage was reduced. 5. Unit Balance: IFV+Tesla Trooper will shoot a little slower. 6. Unit Balance: IFV+Terrorist damage reduced. 7. Unit Balance: Terrorist hit points are increased.
From 美商藝電台灣分公司 website


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